Credit: Conovercompany.com
Being reliable entails that you can be trusted and relied upon. It means people can count on you, or trust that you can do something for them without failing.
Success, progress and breakthrough come your way in all endeavours when you are reliable. Being reliable enhances a solid relationship between you and others. When anything good or positive appears, people beckon on you because you are reliable.
Speak the truth always. Don’t tell lies. Don’t deceive others, and don’t be cut cheating.
Carry out the task given to you promptly. Don’t disappoint. Don’t fail people. If you cannot make up with an appointment or anything, call and inform the other person.
Manage commitment. Don’t please others when you cannot.
Ensure you meet the deadline. Submit work when it is due. Don’t fail to deliver work at the time agreed.
Strive to achieve the best in your work. Don’t be a mediocre. Don’t deliver substandard work. Strive to do the best.
Cut out value for yourself. Do the right thing always. Be on the right side. Speak with wisdom. Retrain yourself when things appear to be negative or not good.
Be clear, concise and direct. Be straightforward.
Ensure you finish what you start. Don’t work halfway. Don’t give excuses. Take responsibility.
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