
31 thoughts on “Journey of Self-Discovery: Road Map for Young Adults

      1. I am really amazed with all this fantastic quotes of urs and we youths really appreciate ur tremendous efforts in compiling this exceptional research,
        More grease to ur elbow,
        Masha Allah

    1. I really appreciate your comment and expecially your time despite your tight schedule . You know what! It’s all embedded in us the positive characteristics to live a better life .

  1. Waoh!I I can say this write up is top-notch and encouraging.Anyways,as a young adult,you have to know the potential in you,prepare yourself by learning about your mind, becoming trustworthy, building things, overcoming procrastination, getting good at discomfort and uncertainty,Life Will always be good to you.Kudos to Mr.Abidemi.Okiji

    1. Abidemi Okiji Nice one, if every youth can think this way no bad influence can ever make a away out of us. We all have a bright future says:

      I really appreciate your comment and expecially your time despite your tight schedule . You know what! It’s all embedded in us the positive characteristics to live a better life .

    2. Nice one, if every youth can think this way no bad influence can ever make a away out of us. We all have a bright future

    1. I will like to hear from you again in my next article. We can have all the goods in this world if we really discover who we are. Thank you.

  2. This is a great piece and Inspiring for the youth. Keep up the pace. Well done!

      1. Kudos to you for this written up God Almighty will be with you keep it up

    1. Am very honoured to see your comment that’s the pathway we promise to live behind…so shall it be

  3. This is a very resounding and life impactful write up.

    It shows that there is still hope in Nigerian Youth only and only if we can discover ourself at early stage of life and have a purposeful mentorship

    1. I really felt the message from your comment, let’s feel more from your golden pen in my next article. Thank you.

  4. It is very important for every human being to look at himself and and discover what he feels capable of doing through self discovery. This would make such an individual awesome and distinct such unique amongst its peers. Anyone who is aware of himself must evaluate himself critically by bringing out the productive ability and practicalise such skills for improvement.

    1. We all need to reawake our potential, most importantly, let our limit defines us , just master it and it will lead you to success. Thanks

  5. Wow! I wouldn’t say am speechless but am just elated about everyone’s comment and out standing respect in advance for other incoming comments , I doffed my hat for you guys. You are all inevitable to the progress of your community through the youth and peaceful coexistence. Thank you all.

  6. This is really insightful and a must read for all youths aspiring to attain success in life

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