Photo credit: Eniola Faleye
The practical was on the 25th of March 2022 at the faculty laboratory phase 2. We have been told to bring the equipment which we are to use to dissect our specimen which were albino rats.
We took our boards, A4 paper, tape, dissecting set, gloves, nose mask, cap and wore our laboratory coats before entering the laboratory.
We entered and lined up according to our departments. Each line was not more than six students. We were already answering the theory aspect when they brought in live albino rats which we used as specimens.
The specimens were sedated and distributed for practical dissecting.
They brought mine to my table and gave me pins which I used to pin my specimen down to the table. I took my scissors, knife and scalpels.
I started using them to dissect the specimen carefully in other not to make mistakes like making blood come out of the body. I was calm and was able to dissect it successfully without any mistake.
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