Life in the university is meant not to consist of academics only, but to comprise other activities that will cut across all facets of life to make a tremendous impact in the lives of students.
The word university is taken from universal which encompasses everything; hence all other social activities that allow for growth, fraternity and bonding must be factored in.
On this strength, university life should be fashioned in a manner to incorporate societies, clubs activities, and other groupings that can facilitate cohesion and peaceful co-existence among stakeholders in the university community.
What are these clubs and societies? They abound, but among them are the following:
This is the student arm of the Rotary Club, a philanthropic club that encourages and promotes welfare and charity. Newly admitted students can enlist in this club so that when they graduate, they become full members of Rotary upon satisfying other conditions.
Jaycee or Junior Chamber is a non-profit organization. They are encouraged on campuses and students can join them. It comprises individuals between the ages of 18 and 40.
Students can also join any faith-based association, depending on their religion and faith. Clubs and associations exist on the campus for both Christian and Muslim students.
Also, various departments have associations which students can join on the campus. As they join these associations when admitted, they also pay their dues.
As they join departmental-based associations they can also join faculty-based associations and pay their dues. The payment of dues ensures that they are eligible to take part in all the activities of the faculty, as well as enjoy other privileges.
Students who have a flair for writing can join this club. Students in Mass Communication and English Department are mostly found in the club. They are made to write in their magazines and bulletin boards as they may be pleased.
Students can join Poetry, Photography, Jazz, Orchestra clubs, and many others.
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