Credit: PngTree
Social media has become means of communication and broadcast information to many people.
It’s also a means of having group discussions where students can also engage in study and teach themselves topics, subjects that they think are difficult for them during the class hour.
Interestingly, as good as these social medium group platforms may be, some students find it difficult to follow the rules and regulations meant for these platforms. Hence, they create chaos and rancour among members.
To have a healthy social media group platform, these are what student who is a member should observe.
1. Don’t advertise any product/service on your group platform. Admin may remove such person who embarks on that after first or the second warning.
2. Don’t insult or utter any offensive or abusive words at other members of the platform. Punitive measure will also be applied on such students.
3. Verify before you post any information if it goes along with the rules and regulations guiding your platform. In some case only the admins are allowed to post updates however, you can verify updates from admins.
4 You are not expected to change the group icon or subject without the consent of the admins.
5 Don’t discuss politics and religion on students’ social media platforms as these may bring animosity among members because of their political affiliations.
6 Don’t post any irrelevant jokes, quotes, and offensive pictures, videos and audios on your group platforms.
7 Don’t create panic on the platform as you can always chat with the admins privately.
8 Personal issues should be sent directly to any of the admins’ walls depending on the level of relationship.
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