
2 thoughts on “Actress Complains of Hatred, Distrust in Nollywood

  1. Oppressive, discriminatory, and inhuman treatments being executed by the university of Stirling management team, against Black and ethnic minorities is disheartening and unacceptable . It will never be compared to the Bursary the university is using to lure victims to the university.At the end of the day, the university terrorise this group with oppression and discrimination and some go back home with mental health problems . A clear example is the case of Mr.T. Osemele who was demoralised and has being declared unfit to work by the medical team in the UK since February 2023 as a result of depression and acute reaction to horrible experience at the university of Stirling. Since last year that Mr T, reported concerns of his horrible experiences to the University of Stirling management, yet nothing has happened. Instead, the university continues to promote the suspects and abandoned the file against the university policy which provides that complaints should be managed in 20 days. Mr T is not hiding and is ready to welcome a public discussion on his experience at the University of Stirling. He wishes the public to also invite the university to the discussion. For a clearer understanding of how the university of Stirling operates when it comes to oppression and discrimination of the black and ethnic minority, please read, listen to, and share the links below.




    1. Dear Theophilus
      We sincerely appreciate your comment and feel your pain. We shall investigate further the matter presented and wish you quick recovery.
      Kindest regards

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