The actor and Nollywood star, Yomi Fabiyi, has expressed his heartfelt birthday tribute to Nollywood actress, Iyabo Ojo, on the occasion of her 46th birthday, held December 21, 2023.Writing on his Instagram page, Fabiyi stated that a part of him ” still insists you are a beautiful soul,” sharing Ojo’s pictures.The yet-to-be-reconciled relationship was broken when Iyabo Ojo with comedienne Princess, instituted a rape case against Nollywood Actor, Olanrewaju James aka Baba Ijesha.Although Baba Ijesha was jailed; Fabiyi feels he was not guilty, alleging the case was an ‘organized crime.’ Fabiyi recalled how Iyabo Ojo came to his rescue many times when he fell into trouble and lost his mother.He said his reconciliation with Ojo was still made for the snag until he found closure on Baba Ijesha’s case.Ojo’s birthday celebration came yesterday amid an outpouring of glowing tributes and congratulatory messages from Nollywood colleagues who wished her well.What’s your thought about this?Kindly like, comment, follow and share.