
38 thoughts on “JAMB Adopts Result Verification for A/Level Candidates

      1. Sir i donโ€™t understand this new DE system I applied for DE since last 3weeks but the A level was not varied.. thesame result I go for my NYSC with but I cannot registered for DE why??

          1. Donโ€™t get this new DE methods, it really frustrating I also applied for DE 2023 but my school said they have send jamb message back which they sent to them through caps but jamb havenโ€™t done anything on my portal my A LEVEL verification still not verified and I keep texting my former school which they said they have done their part and my the school Iโ€™m processing now is abt to release their admission list donโ€™t know what to do again if this wonโ€™t affect me like this.

      2. My should have also verify me but jamb have not very me and my school will stop giving admission soon

        1. Dear Nancy,
          Thanks for dropping your concern.
          You have to find out if your school has verified your results to authenticate your qualification and communicate this to the Board in compliance with JAMB’s directive.

          Find out if your school has done so and forwarded such to JAMB. If your school has done the needful then JAMB should offer you admission.

          Wishing you all the very best

    1. Dear Tunde
      Thank you for registering your concern.
      From our end, we shall do the needful and get this across to relevant authorities.
      All the very best!

    2. Students from Sir kashim Ibrahim college of education Maiduguri Borno state our school is not working now and we don’t know what we will do to verify our A level results

  1. I have been given admission in my school portal but jamb hasn’t verify my result how I do I go about it

      1. I have been given admission in my school portal but jamb hasnโ€™t verify my result how I do I go about it

        1. My school has verified my A level result but it’s yet to reflect on Jamb efacility profiles. It’s still saying that I have not been verified

        2. My Cambridge A’levels certificate has been uploaded on Jamb portal but my Jamb status is still saying awaiting verication that it is yet to be cleared. Please how do I go about it.

  2. I have been given admission in my school portal but jamb hasnโ€™t verify my result how I do I go about it

      1. How do we get in touch with jamb beacuse we’ve went to jamb office but we were told to go to our school

  3. My school is starting exams on Thursday and jamb is yet to cleared me for admission

    1. I think you need to be a little patient. From what we gathered, JAMB has its own modality of doing things. Admission may still be on-going. For JAMB, it could take weeks to respond.

  4. Hello.
    I have been offered admission in my desire institution (DE mode) but Jamb didn’t. Waiting for my previous institution to verify my A’level result. I called my former school to complain about it and they said they’ve already compiled all the A’level result and verify them (Meaning they responded to Jamb) name of my previous institution is Niger state polytechnic, zungeru. This happened about a months now but still jamb didn’t give me admission while some of my friends are admitted in jamb portal. Pls what should I do about it?

    1. I think you need to be a little patient. From what we gathered, JAMB has its own modality of doing things. Admission may still be on-going. For JAMB, it could take weeks to respond.

      1. Pls help me sir, I really need to pay my school before my school portal is close

  5. I went to my school and I was told jamb did not send my name to them for verification and I registered at jamb office at Port Harcourt

  6. I have uploaded my A level result for months and it have not been verified. Pls what can I do

  7. I went to my school and I was told jamb did not send any name to them for verification and I registered at jamb office…
    What could be the problem


  8. I have uploaded my A level result since when I registered for Direct entry and my result has not been verified yet please jamb should help me out because some of my friends results as been verified from the same institution

  9. I did JUPEB in UNN and applied to Abia State University but my results have not been verified
    Is it UNN that will verify it or ABSU or both the schools.

  10. I s aw admission in progress two weeks ago but they were showing me awaiting verification while my A level result is uploaded in my caps

  11. Please I want to register for direct entry but I was asked to go to my awarding institution to verify my A’level result

    I thought I have to register first and upload my documents,jamb will then demand for verification of results from the institution I graduated from?

  12. I have went to my school for verification but they told me that jamb has not send them my name and result for verification.
    Pls I really need help and without my jamb admission letter I can’t pay my school fees

  13. Am a student from college of education ikere ekiti , I went to my school already for verification and I learnt that they did not receive any mail from jamb and they did not know how to go about it and its causing delay in my admission others are in school learning while am waiting for verification

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